This list contains 15 of the most unique lamp posts in Minecraft, each designed for a particular biome. Each was created to match one of the pathway designs in our 15 Minecraft Pathways Inspired by Biomes list to help you easily create a cohesive, safe walkway for your Minecraft world.
Table of Contents
Minecraft Badlands Street Lamp

Materials List:
- Dark Oak Fences x6
- Iron Bars x3
- Lanterns x4
To build this Badlands street lamp, start by placing a dark oak fence on the ground. Three iron bars can be placed on top of that fence post, with another dark oak fence on top. From there, place one dark oak fence on all four sides of the top fence post and connect a lantern to the bottom of each newly placed fence.
Minecraft Bamboo Jungle Lamp

Materials List:
- Bamboo x3
- Verdant Froglight x1
- Bamboo Trapdoors x8
You’ll need to plant bamboo shoots and grow them three blocks tall to build these lamps. Place a verdant froglight on top of the bamboo and surround it on all four sides with bamboo trapdoors. To complete the top, start by placing a block as a placeholder on top of the froglight. Place bamboo trapdoors on all three of its sides and top, then remove the placeholder to complete the lamp post.
Minecraft Beach Lamp

Materials List:
- Oak Fence x3
- Campfire x1
This is one of the simplest lamps on the list, consisting only of three oak fences and a campfire. Simply place the three fences on top of each other and add the campfire on top!
Minecraft Birch Forest Lamp Post Design

Materials List:
- Diorite Walls x2
- Birch Fences x2
- Ochre Froglight x1
- Birch Trapdoors x8
The base of this lamp begins with a diorite wall, followed by two birch fences and the second diorite wall. Place the ochre froglight on top of the second wall and surround it with fences on all four sides. Finish the build by placing birch trapdoors above the already placed ones, leaving them flat so that they fan out from the top of the lamp.
Minecraft Cherry Grove Street Lamp

Materials List:
- Mossy Stone Brick Wall x1
- Cherry Fence x2
- Pearlescent Frog Light x1
- Pink Banner x4
- Mine used:
- White Flower Charge
- Pink Roundel
- White Bordure
- White Flower Charge
- Pink Flower Charge
- Mine used:
The key feature of this lamp is the set of banners used as decorations. They can be decorated in any way, but I included the way I dyed the banner in the materials list. Start by placing a mossy stone brick wall, two cherry fences on top of that, and a pearlescent frog light on top of those. Surround the pearlescent frog light with banners to complete the street light.
Minecraft Dark Oak Lamp Post Design

Materials List:
- Dark Oak Fence x4
- Iron Bars x 2
- Lanterns x2
- Optional: Dark Oak Plank or Dark Oak Slab x1
This light post is somewhat inspired by more modern lamp posts. Start with a single dark oak fence. Place two Iron bars on top of it, then a dark oak fence on top of those bars. Connect the remaining two fences to the fence on top of them, finishing the build by hanging lanterns beneath them.
Minecraft Desert Street Lights

Materials List:
- Glowstone x1
- Birch Trapdoor x5
If you want something simple and compact, placing a full-block item that acts as a light source and surrounding it with trapdoors is a great way to start. Here I used a block of glowstone, but any of the frog lights, sea lanterns, or even jack-o-lanterns would work well. The birch trapdoors blend in the most with the sandy blocks, making them the perfect choice for this path.
Minecraft Forest Lamp Post

Materials List:
- Mossy Stone Brick Wall x1
- Oak Fences x3
- Oak Leaves x14
- Chains x2
- Lanterns x2
These tiny tree streetlights are absolutely perfect for any natural or cottagecore path in Minecraft. Start by placing a mossy oak wall topped by three oak fences. The first layer of leaves is a 3×3 square, with the center leaf block being placed on top of the fence. The next layer contains five blocks, with the center block placed above the previous layer’s center and the other four leaves extending out from each side. To hang the lanterns, you’ll need to place a chain extending down from the leaves so the lantern has something to hang onto.
Minecraft Jungle Lamp Post

Materials List:
- Stripped Jungle Log x2
- Jungle Fence x1
- Iron Bars x3
- Jungle Slabs x2
- Jungle Trapdoors x2
- Glowberries x2
The base of the Jungle lamp post is a stripped jungle log, then a jungle fence, three iron bars, and a second stripped jungle log on top. To complete the top, place two jungle trapdoors on opposite sides and two jungle slabs on the other two sides. Complete it by planting glowberry vines beneath each of the jungle slabs.
Minecraft Mangrove Street Lights

Materials List:
- Verdant Frog Light x1
- Chain x1
- String as needed
Rather than a full lamp post, these lights serve to add some whimsy to the Mangrove Swamp. By placing a line of string between Mangrove trees, lights can be hung using chains as if they were floating in the air.
Mushroom Grove Street Lamp

Materials List:
- End Rods x3
- Brown or Red Mushroom Block x1
While these lamps are somewhat resource-heavy due to the end rods, they’re too adorable to pass up! Just stack a few end rods on top of each other and place either a red or brown mushroom block to finish them off. You could make mushrooms of any size, but I find that smaller ones fit alongside the path the best.
Minecraft Savanna Street Light Design

Materials List:
- Andesite Walls x2
- Acacia Fence x2
- Shroomlight x1
- Acacia Trapdoor x4
- Acacia Pressure Plate x1
The Shroomlight used in this Savanna lamp post gives off the impression of molten lava in a furnace when combined with the acacia trap doors. To build the lamp, start with two andesite walls stacked on top of each other followed by two acacia fences. Place the Shroomlight on top, surround it with the acacia trapdoors, and place an acacia pressure plate on top.
Minecraft Snowy Pathway Lights

Materials List:
- Dark Oak Pressure Plate x1
- Light source block x1 (here I used Sea Lanterns)
The difficulty of lighting up a snowy path is keeping the nearby snow from melting when placing your light sources. I’ve found that placing the lights into the path itself is a great way to combat this. I chose to use Sea Lanterns here since their blue tint matched the use of blues elsewhere in the build. To help blend in-path lights into the path itself, place carpets or pressure plates on top of them to hide most of their color.
Minecraft Stony Street Lamp

Materials List:
- Cobblestone/Mossy Cobblestone/Stone Brick/Mossy Stone Brick Walls x3
- Iron Bars x3
- Lantern x1
These street lamps are intended to have a more industrialist appearance than the others on the list. They are made specifically of stone and iron materials to emphasize this appearance. Start with a single stone wall. Place three iron bars on top of it, followed by a second stone wall. Extend the third stone wall towards the pathway and attach the lantern beneath it to complete the street lamp.
Minecraft Taiga Street Lamp

Materials List:
- Stone Brick Wall x7
- Spruce Fence x 7
- Lantern x4
The base of this lamp consists of a stone brick wall on the bottom, followed by three stone fences and two more stone brick walls. Place the remaining four stone brick walls on all four sides of the top wall. Place the last four spruce fences beneath the four walls, then add the four lanterns beneath those.